Tuesday, December 10, 2013


Hurry over to PAFA to check out the bright, exuberant new exhibit: KAWS @ PAFA!  KAWS is a pop artist and sculptor inspired by media and pop culture, and his larger-than life creations will be on display until January 5.

For some reason, the Inquirer’s art critic hated it.  To him, I say: loosen up, would you?  I was an art history minor and I am just eating this up.  I mean, how fun is this?

I’m all childish wonder here.  It’s unexpected and joyous.  It lightens the spirit.  It’s classic and new; it’s a whirling dervish of absurd juxtaposition. 

Sort of like these!  The Raspberry by Mel by Melissa is in the shape of a classic pump, but it’s made of PVC!  And it’s bright pink!  With a heart!  A classic and a piece of pop art at the same time.  The heel is 4.5 inches, but there’s a hidden one-inch platform so it won’t feel as tall.  Also available in black with red, gray with red, and red with pink; find them on Zappos for $60.  (Well, the pink and the black; the other two are $75.)

There are paintings too:

How I love the juxtaposition of the graphic canvases with the classical sculpture!

Strong lines, bright colors… the Easy Does It by Chinese Laundry would fit right in in this room!  This D’Orsay flat has a manmade upper and a pointed toe (I’m digging the blue-on-blue!).  Available in six other color combos if you don’t like the blue; your choice for $55 from Lori’s Shoes.

There’s even an installation on the outside of PAFA:

It’s called Born to Bend.  It’s Gumby (or something like Gumby)!  On PAFA!

The JA16341G0X JI0 000 by LOVE Moschino is a green jelly sandal that bends its way up your foot.  Plus look at all the stars!  It’s totally decked out in gold stars.  Nice touch indeed.  Yours for $67 from 6pm.

So go to PAFA and wander around.  Use the old to help you see the new, and the new to see the old, and ponder the varied expression of the human experience.  With Gumby.  Just do it.

KAWS @ PAFA runs through January 5.  Admission is $15; $12 if you’re 60 or older or a student with I.D., $12; or $8 for anyone age 13-18.

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