Friday, May 1, 2015


Dear deputy shoe fairies,

Here it is: my 423rd and final post.

Four years ago, on May 3, 2011, my very first post went up.  It was the first of what was supposed to be ten: two posts a week for five weeks for my grad school Online Publishing class.  I might have been happy to leave it at that, but enough people said, "No!  You have to keep going!" that I found myself going... and going...

But things aren't meant to last forever--even good things.  And so I come to say goodbye.  I'll still be around, of course (magical creatures such as Shoe Fairies never really disappear), so you can always call for help when you need it.

I've met some wonderful people along the way, stretched my brain in different ways, and even surprised myself with the seemingly limitless kinds of shoes that are out there.  I recruited 29 Deputy Shoe Fairies, who assisted me with this blog in one way or another.  I got to be silly, smart, and fabulous twice a week.  It was a lot of fun.

Thanks for everything.  It's been a helluva ride!

Love and sparkles,
The Shoe Fairy


  1. I looked forward to your posts and was never disappointed. Congrats on a great run-in stilettos! Thanks for your creativity, sense of style, and great sense of humor.

  2. Thanks Maureen-- and thanks for reading. :)
